Torsion universal 0-cycles on fibrations Asher Auel (Yale University, New Haven) Abstract: In the last few years, a breakthrough in the (stable) rationality problem has been due to the degeneration method for the universal triviality of the Chow group of 0-cycles, initiated by Voisin and developed by Colliot-Thélène and Pirutka. The power of this method lies in its mix of inputs from algebraic cycles, Hodge theory, algebraic K-theory, birational geometry, and singularity theory. I will survey some of these developments and show how a mix of techniques can lead to (stable) rationality obstructions for certain classes of varieties with the structure of a fibration over a rational base.
Categorical representability and applications to birational geometry Marcello Bernardara (IMT, Toulouse ) Abstract: The aim of this talk is to define the notion of categorical representability for a (smooth) projective variety and state related questions in birational geometry. In particular, using Bondal-Larsen-Lunts motivic measure and weak factorization, it is possible to construct both a motivic obstruction to rationality and a filtration of the group of birational autoequivalences of a given variety. These give motivic evidences to categorical questions. We finally motivate by some example the categorical approach; in particular constructing a birational invariant for del Pezzo surfaces (a joint result with A.Auel), and reinterpreting the genus filtration of the Cremona group of a threefold.
Hochschild (co)homology for Azumaya orbifolds Andrei Caldararu (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Derived category of moduli of pointed stable rational curves Anne-Maria Castravet (Northeastern University, Boston) Abstract: I will report on joint work with Jenia Tevelev on Kuznetsov's conjecture on the derived category of moduli of pointed stable rational curves and related spaces.
Generalized Borcea-Voisin mirror duality in any dimension Alessandro Chiodo (IMJ-PRG,Paris) Abstract: The ordinary Borcea-Voisin duality pairs two mirror K3 surfaces with anti-symplectic involutions and produces two mirror three-folds via a product with a fixed elliptic curve and quotient by the natural diagonal involution on the two sides. We extend Borcea-Voisin mirror duality beyond dimension three. This uses the Landau-Ginzburg model and aspects of the Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence which allow improvements to ordinary mirror symmetry theorems. This is work in collaboration with Elana Kalashnikov and Davide Cesare Veniani.
The cohomological integrality theorem and positivity in algebraic combinatorics Ben Davison (EPFL Lausanne)
Toric tilings and limit linear series Eduardo Esteves (IMPA Rio de Janeiro)
Symplectic reductions and polar representations Manfred Lehn (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz) Abstract: The concept of a polar representation, due to Dadok and Kac, of a reductive group $G$ on a vector space $V$ generalises certain aspects of the geometry of adjoint representations. In particular, there is a subvector space $c$ in $V$, stable under the action of a finite subquotient $W$ of $G$ such that the natural morphism $c/W\to V//G$ is an isomorphism. In joint work with Bulois, C. Lehn and Terpereau we prove a symplectic version of this Chevalley isomorphism, namely an isomorphism of Poisson varieties $(c\oplus c^*)/W \to (V\oplus V^*)///G$, where the right hand side denotes the Marsden-Weinstein reduction, for a number of cases.
Stability on the derived category of the projective space Emanuele Macri (Northeastern University, Boston) Abstract: In this talk I will present two notions of stability in the derived category of the projective space, tilt stability and Bridgeland stability. I will then show how to apply this to study space curves and their Hilbert schemes. This is joint work (in progress) with Benjamin Schmidt.
Remarks on Voevodsky's nilpotence conjecture and on Grothendieck's standard conjecture of type D Gonçalo Tabuada (MIT, Cambridge) Abstract: I will explain how the recent theory of noncommutative motives enables (alternative) proofs of these conjectures for some particular families of varieties.
A trichotomy for the autoequivalence groups of derived categories on surfaces Hokuto Uehara Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo) Abstract: We study the group of autoequivalences of the derived categories on smooth projective surfaces, and show a trichotomy of types of the groups, that is, of K3 type, of elliptic surface type and of general type. We also pose a conjecture on the description of each type of the groups, and prove it in some special cases.
Semi-orthogonal decompositions for equivariant derived categories for some reflection groups Michel van den Bergh (Universiteit Hasselt, Diepenbeek) Abstract: We will discuss a number of instances of semi-orthogonal decompositions of equivariant derived categories for reflection groups. We will discuss in particular the case of the symmetric group acting on its standard representation. To prove our results we use the Springer correspondence. This is joint work with Alexander Polishchuk.
Classification of torsors in motivic homotopy theory Matthias Wendt (University of Freiburg, Freiburg) Abstract: In complex geometry, the well-known Oka-Grauert theorem states that the holomorphic and continuous classification of principal bundles over Stein manifolds agree. In the talk, I will present an analogous statement in algebraic geometry, established in recent joint work with Aravind Asok and Marc Hoyois. The main result is that torsors under isotropic reductive groups over smooth affine varieties can be classified by means of motivic homotopy theory. I will explain some of the motivic homotopy theory in the background, but the focus of the talk is going to be on how to apply the general theorem to prove explicit result about classification of projective modules (as done by Asok and Fasel), octonion algebras or stably hyperbolic quadratic forms.